HSMS Courses

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Incident Investigation

8 hours
All Levels

It is critical to learn from the past and prevent …

What you'll learn
State the purpose of investigating incident
Know the key benefits of accident investigation
Find out the reasons of incidents
Identify suitable control measures
Evaluate possible risk control measures
Need of reporting the incident
Specify basic investigation procedures
Note the information to be collected
Determine the casual factors of incident
Prepare the investigation report
Share the findings of investigation report
Implement corrective actions

Energy Isolation (LOTO)

8 hours
All Levels

Today we use various types of energy in industry such …

What you'll learn
Explain source of Hazardous energy.
Describe arc flash.
Energy control procedures.
Protective materials and hardware.
Authorized and Affected employees.
Outline Lockout/ Tagout procedures.
Outline Guarding requirements.
Describe the use of Insulation.
Describe the use of Personal Protective Equipment.

Behaviour Based Safety

8 hours
All Levels

Study of human behavior is Psychology and one known barrier …

What you'll learn
Define behavior based safety (BBS)
Know the importance of behavior based safety
List the approaches of BBS
Understand safety culture and safety influencers
Get aware of the BBS observation, feedback, and implementation
Identify risk through observation
List barriers to safety
State basic behavior principles
Outline the factors influencing personal behavior
Know basic principles of behavior based safety
Understand the roles and responsibilities of management
Recognize roles and responsibilities of employees
Implement effectively BBS Program
Expect desired result of implementing BBS

Permit to Work

8 hours
All Levels

Instructions or procedures are adequate for most work activities, but …

What you'll learn
Clear definition of who may authorize particular jobs (and any limits to their authority) and who is responsible for specifying essential precautions.
Provision for ensuring that contractors, who are engaged to carry out work, are covered by the system.
Training and instruction for issuing Permits.
Monitoring and auditing to ensure that the system works as intended.
Human factors.
Management of Work Permit systems.
Objectives of the Work Permit system.
Types of Work Permits required.
Contents of Work Permits.

Risk Assessment HIRA

16 hours
All Levels

Hazards at workplace remain significant occupational health and safety issue …

What you'll learn
Define hazard and risk
Define hazard identification risk assessment (HIRA)
List the objectives of HIRA
Classification of Hazards
Identify hazard and hazardous event
Describe reasons of hazard identification
List important hazard recognition methods
Hazard reporting
Five-step approaches of risk assessment
Hierarchy of risk controls
Benefits of risk control
Legal requirements of risk control
Responsibilities of employer to control risk

General Induction

16 hours
All Levels

General Safety sometimes called an Orientation is the process of …

What you'll learn
Organization's Policy such as Health, Safety, Environment, Quality, Drug & Alcohol.
Organization Chart.
Reporting system and arrangements for consulting.
General Site rules to be followed.
Safe System of Work such as PTW.
Hazard identification and control.
Emergency procedures.
PPE requirements
Welfare arrangements.

Health and Safety Leadership

16 hours
All Levels

An organisation will not achieve the highest standards of health …

What you'll learn
Outline the behaviour/traits of a good health & safety leader
Discuss the attributes of Managers & Leaders
Explain the organisational responsibility & accountability in managing health & safety
Discuss different types of safety culture
Realize the relationship between culture & performance
Explain the different types of behavioural change models
Discuss the three different types of leaderships
Outline the various types of leadership communications
Explain the golden rules of effective communication
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